Eight characteristics of Mentally Tough people

They know what they control & influence and do not waste energy where they have no impact

They do not let the emotions of others dictate their actions

They manage the manifestations of their emotions

They set SMARTER goals; goals that are not only Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Trackable, but that are also Easily Readable. Major goals are kept visible to ensure focus

They concentrate on what is priority for them to achieve in a given time-frame. They do not get side-tracked by trivia that can be treated by others

They regularly get out of their comfort zone in order to experience new situations. They are always looking for the means to develop

They review their failures in order to identify transferable learning and avoid repeating mistakes. They take measured risks and are willing to “push the limits”

They are willing to speak up to defend their opinions when challenged while respecting the opinions of others. They acknowledge the arguments of others and are not afraid to admit their doubts

They have confidence in what they know and are “quietly confident” without the need to be the “centre of attraction”