
This week is my anniversary week; I ran my first leadership development event in September 1986, a ten-day Barton Camp experience for graduate trainee managers
I am now entering my 36th year of leadership development, which means at the young old age of 66, I have spent over half of my life helping people to develop their leadership capacity.
I now have a foot firmly in five decade of leadership development, which, for someone who started his career in the chemical industry, I find quite mind boggling!!
If someone had told me when I was a young eighteen-year-old laboratory assistant, that some forty-eight years later I would be bilingual, living in France, running personal, leadership & team development programmes for blue chip corporate giants; well, I just wouldn’t have believed them!!
Funny old thing life.
As well as corporate giants, I have also run (and am still running) programmes for start-ups, Business Schools and charities.
I have worked with Future Managers, Young Managers, First-time Managers, Experienced Managers and Managers of Managers; I have trained them, coached them and helped them develop individually & collectively their leadership.
Even though my approach has evolved since that first seminar 35 years ago it is still anchored in “here & now learning” for “there and then application”.
I have developed my own “process” or “framework” for leadership development, that I call D4 Leadership; this helps people to Discover, Develop and Deploy their leadership potential in order to Drive the transformations they are involved in – be they personal, organisational or societal.
This process helps people to integrate, unify and incarnate their head, heart, body & soul leadership dimensions, while raising their leadership awareness, increasing their leadership attitude, developing their leadership influence & building their leadership energy.
It gives people the self-confidence to take on leadership challenges and the self-control to see commitments through successfully.
If you, your colleagues or your organisation are interested in game changing leadership development do not hesitate to contact me at