From diatribe to dialogue – part 2 Core characteristics


In part 1 I looked at the 4D’s – Diatribe, Debate, Discussion and Dialogue

In part 2 I will look at five core characteristics that you need to develop to help you on your journey to dialogue


This is the willingness to let go of certainty and hear other perspectives; this requires questioning your own basic assumptions about the way things are and how things work

A Key question to ask yourself is, what leads me to see this situation as I do?  What other perspectives might I need to be open to?


This is showing up as your full self; this means cultivating and speaking your own perspective while also being open to others’ perspectives and the new possibilities that are unfolding

A Key question to ask yourself is, what needs to be said about this situation or problem?


This is being responsible for how you articulate your perspective and its impact on others; it requires being aware of the impact your perspective may have and taking appropriate action to engage others in a mature manner.

A Key question to ask yourself is, am I being responsible for my impact?


This is being present to the conversation that is unfolding, rather than sticking to old “scripts” or conflicts from the past; this means listening to what another person is saying, rather than rehearsing (in your mind) your rebuttal or counter arguments

A Key question to ask yourself is, what themes or patterns are underneath and within what is being said?


This is being able to bring together different perspectives so that the whole can be understood; this means creating of a holistic view from multiple perspectives

A Key question to ask yourself is, what collective is emerging from our individual views?

In part 3 I will look at some questions to ask yourself about your attitude, how you are listening and how you are responding