Oct 24, 2021 | Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness is not something you can see; it is a psychological concept made up from “constructs” – none of which you can actually see. Mental Toughness is, in essence, an attitude; it is something internal, something that is in our thoughts. The...
Oct 22, 2021 | Personal Development
When you say “I have decided”, which “i” is it that has decided? Is it your intellectual “i” that has reasoned, calculated and measured? Is it your intuitive “i” based on intangible patterns & cues and previous experience? Is it your instinctive “i” driven...
Oct 17, 2021 | Mental Toughness
“Vous avez le pouvoir sur votre esprit, pas sur les événements extérieurs. Réalisez cela, et vous trouverez la force.” Marcus Aurelius En incluant plusieurs notions comme la résilience, la persévérance et le locus de contrôle, la Force Mentale...
Oct 10, 2021 | Mental Toughness
If you want to develop your Mental Toughness, you need to “get below the surface” and understand what Mental Toughness is and what makes up Mental Toughness. In the benchmark Clough and Strycharcyk model of Mental Toughness, it is defined as “A narrow, plastic...
Oct 3, 2021 | Leadership, Teams
Having a C-Suite is one thing; having a C-Suit leadership team is something else and having a real C-Suite leadership team, empowered, engaged and aligned, is ……………………….. not easy. C-Suite leadership teams are difficult beasts as egos are usually omnipresent A...