Force Mentale

Force Mentale

J’écris et parle de l’importance de la Force Mentale depuis près de vingt ans maintenant. La Force Mentale est dans votre tête, pas dans vos muscles et elle n’est pas réservée aux athlètes d’élite ! Si vous n’avez pas entendu parler de la Force...
Team building or Team development

Team building or Team development

I am often asked, “do you have a team building activity you could recommend” and my answer is always, “it depends on what you want to with it”; to which the reply is usually a bit of a blank look and “well, teambuilding”. So, what is the purpose of a team building...
Everyday Champions

Everyday Champions

Mental Toughness has very much been in the limelight the last couple of weeks. Novak Djokovic realising his dream of an Olympic gold medal, Léon Marchand winning two swimming gold medals in less than two hours, Katie Ledecky winning her 13th medal making her the most...
Modèle de leadership et leadership modèle ?

Modèle de leadership et leadership modèle ?

On parle souvent de modèle comme “ce qui sert ou doit servir d’objet d’imitation pour faire ou reproduire quelque chose”, on y associé les termes d’archétype, canon, étalon, exemple (Alain Rey). Le comportement d’une personne peut...


If you want to get your week off to a good start with the team you are managing or leading, here are some suggestions: Listen to their issues Encourage them to take the lead Ask them for alternatives lines of action Delegate interesting activities to them Explain and...