Modèle de leadership et leadership modèle ?

Modèle de leadership et leadership modèle ?

On parle souvent de modèle comme “ce qui sert ou doit servir d’objet d’imitation pour faire ou reproduire quelque chose”, on y associé les termes d’archétype, canon, étalon, exemple (Alain Rey). Le comportement d’une personne peut...


If you want to get your week off to a good start with the team you are managing or leading, here are some suggestions: Listen to their issues Encourage them to take the lead Ask them for alternatives lines of action Delegate interesting activities to them Explain and...
Leader & Leadership

Leader & Leadership

Leader and leadership do not necessarily go hand-in-hand! So many people seem to think that “leaders have leadership” and that “having leadership makes you a leader”. There are a lot of people out there who have a lot of leadership but are clearly not leaders and...
Leadership & Mental Toughness

Leadership & Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness and Leadership go in hand; in fact, Mental Toughness could almost be “Leadership Attitude”, the attitude that gives you the self-confidence to take up a challenge and the self-control to see the challenge through to a successful completion If there is...
Followership for leaders

Followership for leaders

  Followership is an extremely important topic for leaders; I don’t mean the need for leaders to have followers but the need for leaders to have a followership capacity. Leaders are not experts and they need sometimes to follow the ideas and suggestions of their...
Leadership Transformation conversations

Leadership Transformation conversations

Without blowing my own trumpet, I like to think that I am quite good at what I do; I have been working with some of my clients for over 30 years – so I guess I must be doing something right. I’ve been helping people to develop their leadership capacity for over 35...