You can have a positive impact on some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t have a positive impact on all of the people all of the time
However, you can learn to have more positive impact on more people more often.
Everything you say and do is communication, just as everything you don’t say and don’t do, is also communication
“You cannot, not communicate”
Paul Watzlawick
Having impact is very similar; everything you do (or not) will have an impact on those around you. Speaking loudly may mean that you are seen as assertive or arrogant and speaking softly may be taken for being timid or respectful.
“Perception is in the eye of the beholder”
The first step in increasing your impact on others is understanding how you are perceived by them; you may think that you are “the best thing since sliced bread” but if they perceive you as “a stale loaf”, that’s how they will react to you.
You need to know how you are perceived, others will react to you with their perception of you, not your perception of you.
Are you perceived as determined & focussed or stubborn & blinkered?
Are you perceived as spontaneous & enthusiastic or impulsive and extravagant?
Are you perceived as understanding & empathic or acquiescing and passive?
Are you perceived as structured & disciplined or rigid and dogmatic?
You are, undoubtedly, perceived as a mix of all the above and hopefully more on the positive side than the negative; however, whatever the perception is, you need to understand it – and take it into account!!
If you feel you are showing determination & focus and others see you as being stubborn & blinkered, you need to understand why. Do you need to say things differently, do you need to hold yourself differently, etc.
You may well be saying to yourself, “I don’t care how I am perceived, that’s their problem not mine”
Being self-confident is not the question; how to have more positive impact is the question. If people have a negative perception of you, it is unlikely that will be impacted positively by you – and that’s your problem!
So, how can we increase our positive impact on people?
Our impact comes in, at least, four distinct ways:
You can impact people intellectually through well thought out and structured arguments, backed up with facts and figures.
You can impact people emotionally through enthusiasm, spontaneity and empathy coupled with a sociable style.
You can impact people physically by looking ready, energised and engaged.
You can impact people spiritually through being authentic, open and aligned to your values and showing that you are there for something “greater” than yourself.
Ideally, you will impact people by showing them that you are knowledgeable, exuding empathy, look the part and that you are in it for something bigger than yourself.
I have been helping people to develop their personal impact for almost 40 years now; I can’t promise that you will become a “powerful persuader”, a “champion convincer” or a “incredible influencer” overnight, but I can provide you with concrete “hints & tip” and “do’s & don’ts” that will clearly help you to have more positive impact on more people more often
Do not hesitate to contact me, either through LinkedIn or by mail at

I help people to develop their interpersonal skills, usually within a leadership or teamwork context. If you are looking to develop your leadership, I might be able to help. I’ve been doing this for almost 40 years; roughly four thousand days of seminars, workshops, conferences, coaching, offsites, webinars, etc. – put back-to-back that makes almost ten “full” years.