Leaderment & Managership

Leaderment & Managership

  Interestingly, we don’t say Leaderment or Managership. This article is an attempt at a definitive understanding of what leadership and management are all about. However, definitive is as definitive goes ……. Leaders & managers are people and leadership &...
Leadership or Egoship

Leadership or Egoship

  Don’t confuse Leadership with Egoship Leadership is about influencing, motivating and enabling others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members Egoship is about trying to convince people that you know best and...
Together Everyone Achieves …

Together Everyone Achieves …

  The word “team” is one of the most abused words that I hear used in corporate environments Teams are, apparently, everywhere; the design team, the product development team, the sales team, the project team, the management team, the leadership team ….. and,...
Personality Questionnaires

Personality Questionnaires

  The results of personality questionnaires depend on how you answer the questions; in fact, most of the associated reports start with something like, “the information used to generate this report was obtained solely from the questionnaire you completed”. The...
Staying in the zone

Staying in the zone

  Staying in the zone is not easy and we are sometimes our own worst enemy! I went out for a run today and after about a kilometre or so I could feel the “bounce”; I was in my stride and could feel myself bouncing from my left to right foot and back? Strangely,...