Mental Toughness – Control

Mental Toughness – Control

  Mental Toughness is a personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances. Mental Toughness comprises four components, the 4C’s of Control, Commitment, Challenge and...
Mentally tough people

Mentally tough people

  Mental Toughness is not something you can see; it’s a mindset or an attitude – it’s something that goes on in our head. However, those with high Mental Toughness; i.e., those with relatively high “scores” in all of the eight sub-dimensions, tend to have a...
Force Mentale – Mythes & Réalités

Force Mentale – Mythes & Réalités

  On parle beaucoup de la Force ou résilience Mentale (Mental Toughness) aujourd’hui ; mais, la Force Mentale qu’est-ce que c’est au juste ? Quelles sont les composantes de la Force Mentale ? Faut-il être un “Terminator” avec des nerfs d’acier et les...
Why developing your Mental Toughness is important.

Why developing your Mental Toughness is important.

  I thought I would use my engineering competencies (I was a Chemical Engineer a long time ago) in terms of “strengths of materials” to look at why Mental Toughness is as important as Metal Toughness First some definitions from the world of strengths of materials...
Future leaders beware

Future leaders beware

  If you are found guilty of deploying your leadership for a good cause; everything you say and do will be taken out of context, distorted and used against you! That photo of you in the same room as someone smoking a joint, your distant membership of some obscure...