I have decided

I have decided

  When you say “I have decided”, which “i” is it that has decided? Is it your intellectual “i” that has reasoned, calculated and measured? Is it your intuitive “i” based on intangible patterns & cues and previous experience? Is it your instinctive “i” driven...
The myths and realities of behavioural change

The myths and realities of behavioural change

I’ve been involved in behavioural development for almost 35 years now and reckon that I have spent over 3000 days interfacing with groups. I’ve worked with apprentices, students, future managers, first-line managers, project leaders, seasoned managers, directors,...
Leadership Transformation conversations

Leadership Transformation conversations

Without blowing my own trumpet, I like to think that I am quite good at what I do; I have been working with some of my clients for over 30 years – so I guess I must be doing something right. I’ve been helping people to develop their leadership capacity for over 35...
Comfort zone – the place to be?

Comfort zone – the place to be?

  The concept of comfort zone is attributed to the psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson, who carried out experiments to show that a state of relative comfort generated a constant level of performance Many posts about the comfort zone will tell you...
Dealing with diatribe

Dealing with diatribe

  Diatribe, also known as “Ad hominem attacks” is when someone attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of a person making an argument rather than addressing the substance of the argument itself. Diatribe is the “nemesis” of dialogue; the latter is...
Personality Questionnaires

Personality Questionnaires

  The results of personality questionnaires depend on how you answer the questions; in fact, most of the associated reports start with something like, “the information used to generate this report was obtained solely from the questionnaire you completed”. The...