Dec 26, 2021 | Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness is a personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances. Mental Toughness comprises four components, the 4C’s of Control, Commitment, Challenge and...
Dec 21, 2021 | Leadership
The question was asked in a LinkedIn group some time ago, “Who is your favourite leader from ancient times? Why?” My answer was King Leonidas who with his small Spartan army held off the Persians for 3 days at Thermopylae before being betrayed and dying with...
Dec 12, 2021 | Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness is not something you can see; it’s a mindset or an attitude – it’s something that goes on in our head. However, those with high Mental Toughness; i.e., those with relatively high “scores” in all of the eight sub-dimensions, tend to have a...
Dec 10, 2021 | Leadership
Having leadership doesn’t make you a leader; however, leaders need to have leadership. Leadership, as defined by the GLOBE study, is “one’s capacity to influence and motivate others to contribute to the success of the organisation they are part of” The others...