Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 7

Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 7

  The washroom scene is somewhat different from the others, juror n°8 is not “in the thick of the action”. First, he interreacts with juror n°7 and then juror n°6 comes in and after a short exchange, says to juror n°8, “and what if you are wrong; what if you...
Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 6

Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 6

  The Ladder of Inference is a model created by Chris Argyris and the old man’s apartment scene is a very good example of the model in use. Everyone, except of course juror n°8, has accepted that the old man in the appartement below was able to get out of bed,...
Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 5

Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 5

  The scene based around the discussion of the metro train passing in front of the window is an excellent example of lesson five, “systems thinking”. Juror n°8 fights hard to stay focused while juggling with multiple pieces of information; the speed of the train,...
Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 4

Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 4

  The fourth lesson, “the importance of the first follower”, highlights a “tipping point” when influencing others. Up to this point, juror n°8 had been on his own; not everyone was attacking him or criticism his position, but no one was actively supporting him....
Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 3

Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 3

  This third lesson, “Take Risks” is another leadership hallmark; taking risks shouldn’t be confused with being reckless. Juror n°8 proposes a second vote, but this time a “secret vote”, as opposed to the first, “hands-in-the air” vote If we go back to the first...