Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 3

Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 3

  This third lesson, “Take Risks” is another leadership hallmark; taking risks shouldn’t be confused with being reckless. Juror n°8 proposes a second vote, but this time a “secret vote”, as opposed to the first, “hands-in-the air” vote If we go back to the first...
Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 2

Leadership lessons from 12 Angry Men – lesson 2

  This second lesson “Be prepared” is quite possibly a precursor of the previous lesson “Stand up and be counted”; it’s the being prepared that, maybe, stops you getting shot down. This scene is an excellent example, not only of being prepared, but also of the...
Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 1

Leadership lessons from Twelve Angry Men – lesson 1

  If I have watched the film “12 Angry Men” once, I have watched it a hundred times; I use it regularly in my leadership seminars, getting participants to watch it before or between modules and then debriefing it collectively. The film is a leadership seminar in...

  If you have high Mental Toughness, you possibly see yourself as someone, self-confident, in control of your life, determined to achieve the challenges you undertake and always willing to learn. However, ……… however, what you see as self-confidence may well be...
Living with interpretations

Living with interpretations

  “What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.” C.S. Lewis We all live in two worlds; an outer world where we interact with others and an inner world where our thoughts, feelings,...