Leadership or Egoship

Leadership or Egoship

  Don’t confuse Leadership with Egoship Leadership is about influencing, motivating and enabling others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members Egoship is about trying to convince people that you know best and...
Leadership Voice

Leadership Voice

  “The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play” Richard Strauss Your leadership voice makes a significant contribution to your leadership impact. Many people like to think that they have a naturally “polychrome”...
Leadership & presentations

Leadership & presentations

  A very good consultant friend of mine, Steve Dillingham, often says, “presentations are all about leadership”, to which I invariably retorque, “but leadership is not just about presentations” However, presentations, in the largest sense of the term, are clearly...
Leadership Impact – the importance of Self-awareness

Leadership Impact – the importance of Self-awareness

  “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung Leadership, as defined by the GLOBE study, is “one’s capacity to influence and motivate others to contribute to the success of the organisation they...
Mental Roughness

Mental Roughness

  There is a thin line between Mental Toughness & Mental Roughness and the line is “awareness” When coaching those with particularly high Mental Toughness, typically scores of 8 to 10 on the MTQ suite of questionnaires, I always get them to investigate how...
Leadership – best practice

Leadership – best practice

  Be determined without being stubborn Be focused without being blinkered Be enthusiastic without being impulsive Be open to risks without being reckless Be disciplined without being dogmatic Be structured without being rigid Be accommodating without acquiescing...