Living with interpretations

Living with interpretations

  “What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.” C.S. Lewis We all live in two worlds; an outer world where we interact with others and an inner world where our thoughts, feelings,...


  While a “fake it ’til you make it” attitude is useful in certain situations, I’m not sure that in the long term that it is actually that beneficial. Real self-confidence comes from experience and training; it’s through trial & error and...
Mindful eating

Mindful eating

Eating is one of the few activities that connects us, or can connect us, to all our senses What is mindful eating? Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations”; the...
Be prepared

Be prepared

Being on time for important events is essential, however, being prepared is paramount. By “being prepared”, I don’t mean having the presentation on a back-up USB key I’m talking about BEING prepared for what you are going to be DOING How prepared are you physically?...
Become who you are are

Become who you are are

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” Oscar Wilde I hear a lot of people say things like, “I don’t like her/his personality”, or “his/her personality is unacceptable” or, even, he/she needs to change their personality” Of course, most people saying the above...
Are you response able?

Are you response able?

You can’t control your emotions; however, …………………. Emotional control is one of the key elements of Mental Toughness; but what does emotional control really mean? For many, it conjures up images of “gritted teeth”, “stiff upper lips” and total denial of the slightest...