
“energy, not time is the fundamental currency of high performance”

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwarz

One of the key aspects of leadership is to energise others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organisations of which they are members.

  • Physical energy gives us stamina, vitality, endurance & alertness and helps us to reduce our recovery time
  • Emotional energy helps us to build constructive, positive & healthy relationships
  • Mental energy helps us to focus on what matters most
  • Spiritual energy contributes to our decision-making and priority-setting by helping us identify and clarify our values, purpose & mission

Full engagement comes from being physically energised, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned

In order to give energy, we need to be physically energised, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned with something beyond self-interest.

As our energy level diminishes both with overuse and underuse, we need to balance energy expenditure with energy renewal.

To develop our energy capacity, we need to train ourselves in a similar way to other high performers (athletes, musicians, dancers, etc.) – systematic routines are key to full engagement and high performance

To get through our busy days, we need to oscillate between high and low positive energy. If we do not to decide to disengage occasionally during the day and renew our energy level, we can end up oscillating between high and low negative energy – bad for us and bad for others.

Disengaging could be, taking a walk, listening to your favourite music, redefining your priorities or concentrating on something that has real meaning for you.

The most fundamental source of energy is physical – if you have none you may well be dead

The most significant source of energy is spiritual – if you have found your purpose, you can move mountains

Manage your energy and time will look after itself

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