
I’ve been helping people to develop their leadership capacity for almost 35 years now; I’ve coached, trained and facilitated around 3500 days of courses, programmes, workshops, seminars and off-sites throughout organisations – apprentices, supervisors, high potentials, first-line managers, middle & senior managers and executives; project teams, task forces, management teams ……

The majority of my work has been within the corporate sector but I have also worked with charities, SMI’s and the public sector; I have worked widely in Europe and I do what I do either in English (my first language) or French (mon deuxième langue depuis presque 30 ans).

Without blowing my own trumpet, I like to think that I am quite good at what I do; I have been working with some of my clients for almost 25 years – so I guess I must be doing something right.

Virtually all of my 3500 days have been face-to-face but I have recently embraced the digital age through what I am calling Leadership Transformation Conversations – a mix of coaching, training, advising and discussing around real leadership issues via ZOOM (or other).

I can be used as a “sounding board”, a “sparring partner” or whatever you need to enable you get the solutions you need to solve your issues; be they personal, organisational or societal.

I am trained and accredited for a variety of “personality” questionnaires; leadership, mental toughness, team working, 360°’s Jungian types ……. and I am familiar with most of the major “inventories” used within the world of people development.

I offer a “one-off” Leadership Transformation Conversation for those who simply need to sound out their ideas, through to a series of scheduled ZOOM Leadership Transformation Conversations for those who feel the need for more depth and time to reflect on their issues.

The longer sessions can include

  • initial context alignment session
  • email and text messaging support
  • simulations
  • between-session “homework”
  • in-promptu calls as needed
  • personality assessments and debriefings
  • journaling and goal tracking
  • feedback on presentation style

Here are some things people have written on their coach assement forms at the end of face-to-face coaching.

“Felt good right from the start, Bob created a good and trustworthy environment”

“Good and focussed feedback at the end of the role plays”

“Bob has really helped me in my development”

“From a very early point in the coaching I gained confidence and trust in the coach”

“Bob has a very down to earth and pragmatic approach”

“Bob provided some really useful insights as to how I could more effectively influence my stakeholders”

If you would like to engage in a Leadership Transformation Conversation, then do not hesitate to contact me by mail at, or through LinkedIn


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