Bob Larcher

Leading edge thinking, down to earth application

If you are looking for customised corporate training & development

If you are looking to develop yourself

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Bob Larcher

Leading edge thinking, down to earth application

If you are looking for customised corporate training & development

If you are looking to develop yourself

What can I do for you?

I help people to develop their interpersonal skills, usually within a leadership or teamwork context. If you are looking to develop your leadership, I might be able to help. I’ve been doing this for 35 years; roughly three and half thousand days of seminars, workshops, conferences, coaching, offsites, etc. – put back-to-back that makes almost ten “full” years. I work with everyone from apprentices to CEO’s I’ve prepared future managers for their upcoming challenges, I’ve helped young managers ease into their first post, I’ve coached middle-managers going for assessment centres and I’ve helped executive teams achieve peak performance

How do I help companies?

My client centred, issues-based approach has a reputation for significantly improving, team, managerial and organisational performance

How do I help people?

A bespoke approach to personal development that helps people to find their true self and realise their full-potential

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Feedback from webinars

“Superb seminar, really inspiring and a model that is really helpful to scaffold my approaches”

“Thanks again for sharing your wisdom around energy management.”

“I really enjoyed listening to you and your way of explaining stuff is great!”

“I find you very interesting to listen to, you are very clear, concise, with an engaging tone and are clearly very knowledgeable.”

“Thanks for your webinar on Leadership this afternoon. A real insight for me, really useful.”

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Clear, concise, interesting, informative and sometimes provocative. Always something useful to take away

Leader & Leadership

Leader & Leadership

Leader and leadership do not necessarily go hand-in-hand! So many people seem to think that “leaders have leadership” and that “having leadership makes you a leader”. There are a lot of people out there who have a lot of leadership but are clearly not leaders and...

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Leadership & Mental Toughness

Leadership & Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness and Leadership go in hand; in fact, Mental Toughness could almost be “Leadership Attitude”, the attitude that gives you the self-confidence to take up a challenge and the self-control to see the challenge through to a successful completion If there is...

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Teams at the top

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