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Everyday Champions
Mental Toughness has very much been in the limelight the last couple of weeks. Novak Djokovic realising his dream of an Olympic gold medal, Léon Marchand winning two swimming gold medals in less than two hours, Katie Ledecky winning her 13th medal making her the most...
Modèle de leadership et leadership modèle ?
On parle souvent de modèle comme "ce qui sert ou doit servir d'objet d'imitation pour faire ou reproduire quelque chose", on y associé les termes d'archétype, canon, étalon, exemple (Alain Rey). Le comportement d'une personne peut être pris pour modèle :" sa conduite...
If you want to get your week off to a good start with the team you are managing or leading, here are some suggestions: Listen to their issues Encourage them to take the lead Ask them for alternatives lines of action Delegate interesting activities to them Explain and...
Attitude in action
Between having the knowledge to do something and the behaviours to actually do the something, there is something you can neither see nor touch it, but it is so important! You can call it Mindset, you can call it Fortitude, you can call it Grit and you can call it...
Mental Toughness and Performance
Not everyone with high Mental Toughness is a champion; however, all champions have high Mental Toughness. Skills and competencies will get you to the top but it’s Mental Toughness that will get you beyond and help you to stay there. Be it in sports, arts, politics or...
I have decided
When you say “I have decided”, which “i” is it that has decided? Is it your intellectual “i” that has reasoned, calculated and measured? Is it your intuitive “i” based on intangible patterns & cues and previous experience? Is it your instinctive “i” driven...
The myths and realities of behavioural change
I’ve been involved in behavioural development for almost 35 years now and reckon that I have spent over 3000 days interfacing with groups. I’ve worked with apprentices, students, future managers, first-line managers, project leaders, seasoned managers, directors,...
Mental Toughness – FAQ’s
Seven questions I am often asked about Mental Toughness Is Mental Toughness another fad? No, it’s probably been around since the stone-age and, in part, contributes to Darwin’s theory of evolution. The Stoics talked, unknowingly, about Mental Toughness with their...
Where is your Achilles Tendon
We all have a Mental Toughness Achilles Tendon I come across a lot of people who seem to be fairly mentally tough but with “specific” issues or weaknesses; and it’s often the weakness that “let’s them down” in difficult situations. Mental Toughness is defined by...
Leader & Leadership
Leader and leadership do not necessarily go hand-in-hand! So many people seem to think that “leaders have leadership” and that “having leadership makes you a leader”. There are a lot of people out there who have a lot of leadership but are clearly not leaders and...