Apr 3, 2022 | Mental Toughness, Personal Development
Not everyone with high Mental Toughness is a champion; however, all champions have high Mental Toughness. Skills and competencies will get you to the top but it’s Mental Toughness that will get you beyond and help you to stay there. Be it in sports, arts,...
Mar 27, 2022 | Personal Development
Personality profiles often get a lot of knocking, “I’m not at all like this”, “this report doesn’t represent me”, “who are they talking about?” and the classic, “they got my strengths right but completely messed up on my weaknesses” I have to say that in my...
Mar 24, 2022 | Personal Development
A few years ago, I was asked, by a consultancy I was working with, to participate in the preparation of a workshop the newish (six months in post) SVP of a major division of one of their clients. They had “sold” the SVP the idea of undergoing a kind of 360°...