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The Dark Triad
So, what exactly is the Dark Triad? The Dark Triad is a construct of three personality types that are in some ways closely related, and all share “dark” traits, characterised by malevolence. They are: Psychopathy — Characterised by enduring antisocial...
Eight Characteristics of Mentally Tough Leaders
They know what they control, they know what they can influence and they know what they can do nothing about. They do not spend their time “fighting windmills” wasting their energy where they have no impact. They consciously take into account their emotional...
Force Mentale – Mythes & Réalités
On parle beaucoup de la Force ou résilience Mentale (Mental Toughness) aujourd’hui ; mais, la Force Mentale qu’est-ce que c’est au juste ? Quelles sont les composantes de la Force Mentale ? Faut-il être un "Terminator" avec des nerfs d’acier et les émotions du...
The ladder of inference
If you ask someone why they behaved in a particular way in a given situation, they would probably say that “it seemed obvious to them” or that it “was instinctive” We all have a “data bank” of experience in our head, and maybe in our bodies, that we...
Why developing your Mental Toughness is important.
I thought I would use my engineering competencies (I was a Chemical Engineer a long time ago) in terms of “strengths of materials” to look at why Mental Toughness is as important as Metal Toughness First some definitions from the world of strengths of materials...
Teams – part 5
The fifth and final post of a five-part series of posts around the subject of teams In this part I will look at team building Rafting down a river together, cooking dinner together or building a paper tower together do not constitute teambuilding. It is...
Future leaders beware
If you are found guilty of deploying your leadership for a good cause; everything you say and do will be taken out of context, distorted and used against you! That photo of you in the same room as someone smoking a joint, your distant membership of some obscure...
Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 2
In part two of this two-part series I am going to try and superimpose the work of Jung onto the Mental Toughness model. Concerning the work of Jung; I am going to use the Insights “colour” approach as the reference. Both Insights and Mental Toughness use a...
Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 1
If you are not sure what Mental Toughness is all about, you can take a look at some of the articles I published previously on the subject here I have been helping people develop their leadership capacity for just over thirty-five years now and a cornerstone of...
Teams – part 4
The fourth of a five-part series of posts around the subject of teams In this part I will look at the team development process “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” Henry Ford Clearly, high performance...