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The Dark Triad

The Dark Triad

  So, what exactly is the Dark Triad? The Dark Triad is a construct of three personality types that are in some ways closely related, and all share “dark” traits, characterised by malevolence. They are: Psychopathy — Characterised by enduring antisocial...

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Force Mentale – Mythes & Réalités

Force Mentale – Mythes & Réalités

  On parle beaucoup de la Force ou résilience Mentale (Mental Toughness) aujourd’hui ; mais, la Force Mentale qu’est-ce que c’est au juste ? Quelles sont les composantes de la Force Mentale ? Faut-il être un "Terminator" avec des nerfs d’acier et les émotions du...

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The ladder of inference

The ladder of inference

  If you ask someone why they behaved in a particular way in a given situation, they would probably say that “it seemed obvious to them” or that it “was instinctive” We all have a “data bank” of experience in our head, and maybe in our bodies, that we...

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Teams – part 5

Teams – part 5

  The fifth and final post of a five-part series of posts around the subject of teams In this part I will look at team building Rafting down a river together, cooking dinner together or building a paper tower together do not constitute teambuilding. It is...

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Future leaders beware

Future leaders beware

  If you are found guilty of deploying your leadership for a good cause; everything you say and do will be taken out of context, distorted and used against you! That photo of you in the same room as someone smoking a joint, your distant membership of some obscure...

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Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 2

Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 2

  In part two of this two-part series I am going to try and superimpose the work of Jung onto the Mental Toughness model. Concerning the work of Jung; I am going to use the Insights “colour” approach as the reference. Both Insights and Mental Toughness use a...

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Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 1

Jung & Mental Toughness – Part 1

  If you are not sure what Mental Toughness is all about, you can take a look at some of the articles I published previously on the subject here I have been helping people develop their leadership capacity for just over thirty-five years now and a cornerstone of...

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Teams – part 4

Teams – part 4

  The fourth of a five-part series of posts around the subject of teams In this part I will look at the team development process “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” Henry Ford Clearly, high performance...

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