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I have decided
When you say “I have decided”, which “i” is it that has decided? Is it your intellectual “i” that has reasoned, calculated and measured? Is it your intuitive “i” based on intangible patterns & cues and previous experience? Is it your instinctive “i” driven...
The myths and realities of behavioural change
I’ve been involved in behavioural development for almost 35 years now and reckon that I have spent over 3000 days interfacing with groups. I’ve worked with apprentices, students, future managers, first-line managers, project leaders, seasoned managers, directors,...
Mental Toughness – FAQ’s
Seven questions I am often asked about Mental Toughness Is Mental Toughness another fad? No, it’s probably been around since the stone-age and, in part, contributes to Darwin’s theory of evolution. The Stoics talked, unknowingly, about Mental Toughness with their...
Where is your Achilles Tendon
We all have a Mental Toughness Achilles Tendon I come across a lot of people who seem to be fairly mentally tough but with “specific” issues or weaknesses; and it’s often the weakness that “let’s them down” in difficult situations. Mental Toughness is defined by...
Leader & Leadership
Leader and leadership do not necessarily go hand-in-hand! So many people seem to think that “leaders have leadership” and that “having leadership makes you a leader”. There are a lot of people out there who have a lot of leadership but are clearly not leaders and...
Leadership & Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness and Leadership go in hand; in fact, Mental Toughness could almost be “Leadership Attitude”, the attitude that gives you the self-confidence to take up a challenge and the self-control to see the challenge through to a successful completion If there is...
Teams at the top
Do teams really exist at the top of organisations? I ran my first team building event in 1987 in the UK, it was for a very operational team with concrete & tangible deliverables. In the following years I ran team building events for sports teams, design teams,...
Followership for leaders
Followership is an extremely important topic for leaders; I don’t mean the need for leaders to have followers but the need for leaders to have a followership capacity. Leaders are not experts and they need sometimes to follow the ideas and suggestions of their...
Leadership Transformation conversations
Without blowing my own trumpet, I like to think that I am quite good at what I do; I have been working with some of my clients for over 30 years – so I guess I must be doing something right. I’ve been helping people to develop their leadership capacity for over 35...
Leadership is defined by the GLOBE study as “the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members” This “influencing others”, is not restricted to...