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Leadership & Mental Toughness

Leadership & Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness and Leadership go in hand; in fact, Mental Toughness could almost be “Leadership Attitude”, the attitude that gives you the self-confidence to take up a challenge and the self-control to see the challenge through to a successful completion If there is...

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Teams at the top

Teams at the top

Do teams really exist at the top of organisations? I ran my first team building event in 1987 in the UK, it was for a very operational team with concrete & tangible deliverables. In the following years I ran team building events for sports teams, design teams,...

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Followership for leaders

Followership for leaders

  Followership is an extremely important topic for leaders; I don’t mean the need for leaders to have followers but the need for leaders to have a followership capacity. Leaders are not experts and they need sometimes to follow the ideas and suggestions of their...

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  Leadership is defined by the GLOBE study as “the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members” This “influencing others”, is not restricted to...

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What is your most important leadership tool?

What is your most important leadership tool?

  When in a leadership position, whether we like it or not, the spotlight is always on us. Everything we say and do is under scrutiny; the way we walk into a room, the way we stand, our handshake, our eye contact, our smile ……………. our rate of speech ……… the list...

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Comfort zone – the place to be?

Comfort zone – the place to be?

  The concept of comfort zone is attributed to the psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson, who carried out experiments to show that a state of relative comfort generated a constant level of performance Many posts about the comfort zone will tell you...

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Leadership – making a difference

Leadership – making a difference

  "The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” - Robert F. Kennedy One of the hallmarks of leadership is “making a difference”, not necessarily world making differences or even country making differences but simple everyday...

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Dealing with diatribe

Dealing with diatribe

  Diatribe, also known as “Ad hominem attacks” is when someone attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of a person making an argument rather than addressing the substance of the argument itself. Diatribe is the “nemesis” of dialogue; the latter is...

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